Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Poetry in Six Years!

     Howdy y'all! You are reading that right: it has been 6 years since I have said anything on this blog. One talent that I have learned is poetry. I have been using as a way to explain my emotions and my beliefs and experiences. One of my hardest lessons that I've been trying to learn is forgiveness. This is due to the fact that it can be hard for me to trust anyone so it's even harder to forgive anyone. 

    When I wrote this poem, I was experimenting with the idea if forgiveness would be needed in a perfect world. On top of this, I was also dealing with really bad friend problems where we both had done and said things that we regretted. 

No Forgiveness in a Perfect World

I might have disappointed you
I'm sorry
Would you forgive me if the world was perfect?
No conflict,
No hated,
No pain, and
No forgiveness in a perfect world?

The birds all sing in a tongue that anyone can understand
Nothing hurts you
No harm
The sun is always out
Not to cold with
No forgiveness in a perfect world

I happen to put a smile on my love's face
Oh, what joy!
Oh, what beauty!
Oh what comfort in a perfect world!

The only thing that could make this possible
One whisper in my ear
The tenderness of forgiveness
I'd be able to learn anything I want to
With her 
the slight smile changes everything
I hope I can make it with
No forgiveness in a perfect world

Monday, February 24, 2014

Closing night!!!!

I honestly can't believe tonight is closing night for fiddler on the roof!!! I'll miss these guys! 😭😭😭😫 i love this stuff but I can't do anymore till next year!!! What will I do now???? 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fiddler on the roof

Ok, here's the scoop. I'm in the school musical now!!! It's turning out to be quite a hassle with everything else, but I don't care. I'm Nachum the begger. Unfortunate but as I said, I don't care. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Well, Halloween is coming!!!! I'm super excited! I'm going to be.... drum roll please....... Tony Stark! Yep. It will be awesome!
Why? Iron Man is my favorite Marvel Superhero(along sides Spider-man)! I chose Tony because it would be weird to have plastic pieces strapped to me with eye hole that are too small. Please leave comments of who or what you are going to be!

        I started High School this year and I have to say...different. It's completely different from Middle School. I love that I've made a lot of friends and I'm glad that I have more independence. I'm in the school musical this year: Fiddler on the Roof. I'm Nachum* The Begger. Yea...ME!!!

Now how about a video!


 *I hope that's right.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Crazy week!

I can't wait for this week! For starters, I get my braces off on Wednesday. Friday, Cokeville trip.  It's like Christmas when you are tickled pink and can't imagine the outcomes.

Now the YouTube videos for the week.

BTW, He's my scoutmaster and is weird that way.

Monday, April 15, 2013


I know it's been a while since I've written but, that's the way it is. Well, we survived and are still living even after 12/21/12! what a miracle! Some things have happened that I can't control. I had some things like with my grandma. She's been slowly losing it. It's been hard with her not being herself. Enough about that. Next year I'm going to high school! The school is Jordan High School.

Yep. That's it. In a way, I'm excited and scared at the same time. I know I'll have a lot of fun. Recently, I've been reading I am Number Four By: Pitticus Lore. It's so good!