Sunday, October 31, 2010

My thought today

Today I was thinking about some things like 'Did I get enough candy from trick or treating?' and also 'Can I improve my brains?'
I did not get enough candy from trick or treating because my hat to my costume kept blowing in the wind just as I got to the door. Yes, I can improve my brains because I am  smart.  I can improve by having a Halloween costume that doesn't have a hat year and practice stuff so I'll be as smart as everyone else. That's my thought.

1 comment:

  1. Neal, why didn't you tell me you had a blog? This is amazing. I loved your comment on my blog, it was such a treat.
    Your thoughts in this post are both hilarious and true. I love that you're thinking about improving your costume. And you are already such a smart kid. You read a ton, I love it! I work in the library so I'm a huge fan of reading:)

    P.S. I would like to know what the pasta was your dad made that anyone can make :)
