Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day + No School = YAHOO!

OK. I was just thinking,"How many people can hate Valentine's Day?" One time I was listening to the radio and I heard someone say, "Hate Valentine's Day because I have to get my husband something for him for Valentine's Day because it's a tradition in his family." and I thought,"Cool down lady! The only thing you have to do is say, "I love you." all day and the whole thing will blow over." 
I went camping this weekend and that's when I wished me and my dad took a trailer! IT WAS SO COLD!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it!! Here's what I mean through comedy.


  1. A-men. It's fun to be outside, but at the end of the day I need my own bed! It sounds like you're alread a pro at Valentine's Day.
